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Statements of Faith

Our Beliefs


THE BIBLE is the basis for Cultivate Church Nashville’s Statement of Faith -

We believe that Holy Scripture, comprised of both the Old and New Testaments, is alone the only infallible, Holy Spirit-inspired Word of God. 

Its authority is ultimate, final, and eternal.It cannot be added to, subtracted from, nor superseded in any regard.


The Bible is the source of all doctrine, instruction, correction, and reproof, and as such, contains all that is needed for guidance in godliness and practical Christian conduct.  Only through revelation and operation of the Holy Spirit does God’s Word become alive and effective in our lives.


The Bible also sets the standard for our relational and experiential knowledge of God.  Therefore, any personal ministry or prophecy must be in accordance with Holy Scripture , and if it is not, must be considered false, and rejected.


(2 Timothy 3:16, Isaiah 55;11, Matthew 24:35, Joshua 1:8, Psalm 12:6)



Literal word-for-word translations of Hebrew and Greek give us the most reliable Bible translations in use today.However, thought-for-thought translations are widely used and accepted.


Pastor Daniel currently preaches using the New Living Translation (thought for thought) for its relatable language, but his study and teaching are based in the original Hebrew and Greek.


Other versions, written with a cultural agenda, are not accepted.


It is the testimony of both the Old and New Testaments, and that of the Christian Church, that God is both One and Triune. Biblical revelation teaches that there is only One God, and He is eternally existent in Three Persons: Father, Son, and Spirit. One in BEING, three in PERSON.This teaching is central to understanding Who God is and how to be in relationship with Him.


God the Father – is Creator and Sustainer of all things, Who created the universe in love to respond to Himself.  He created mankind in His own image for fellowship, and since the rebellion and fall of man, call us back to Himself through the Son. (Gen 1)


The Son – Jesus Christ, is eternally God and was together with God the Father and God the Holy Spirit from the beginning. He is the image of the invisible God….and through Him were all things created. For man’s redemption, He left heaven and became incarnate, by the Holy Spirit and of the Virgin Mary. Henceforth, He is forever one Christ with two natures, God and man. (John 1:1 and Col 1)


The Holy Spirit – The Holy Spirit is God, the Lord and Giver of life, Who was active in the Old Testament and was given to the Church in fullness at Pentecost. He imparts the life of Christ to the believer through the “new birth” and works to conform the believer to the image of Christ. He empowers the saints for service and witness. (John 14:16-17)


Complete submission to the work of the Holy Spirit produces: (1) the Fruit of the Spirit for righteous living (Gal 5), as well as (2) Gifts of the Spirit for edification of the Body of Christ. (1 Cor 12, Rom 12, Eph 4, I Pet 4)


The Bible clearly declares that salvation is a free gift of God, appropriated only through faith and based completely on the finished work of Christ’s death and resurrection.


We call this ATONEMENT, meaning Jesus’ vicarious death on the cross paid the penalty for the sins of the whole world and inaugurated the New Covenant in His blood, for those who receive Him as their Lord and Savior. Jesus’ resurrection from the dead conquered the penalty of sin and death.


His atoning sacrifice makes available healing of the body, soul, and spirit when appropriated by His followers. (Heb 9;12, 1 Peter 3:18, Isaiah 53:5, 1 Peter 2:24, Revelation 5:9) Receiving salvation is an act of free will, by grace, through faith alone, in response to God’s love for mankind and is predestined only in the sense that God, through His omniscience, foreknew those who would choose Him.


Salvation occurs when a person: recognizes that Sin separates us from God; understands the need for salvation because of Sin; confesses (and accepts) in faith Jesus as Savior and Lord, resulting in being “born again” (John 3, Rom 10).


The believer is made “righteous” ~ in right standing with God ~ by receiving this free gift of Atonement. This “new birth” is described as being united with Christ in His death and resurrection so that the believer passes from death to life resulting in an identity change from the “old man” to a new creation in Christ. (2 Cor 5:17). Thus begins the life of the believer becoming ever more mature in Christ. Though born into the kingdom of Christ as “infants”, our lives should progressively become more mature in faith as we yield to the guidance and power of the Holy Spirit and the Lordship of Jesus Christ. As this occurs, we will more fully reflect Jesus’ life and purposes.


The Christian’s life, while joyful and fulfilling, will still include trials, tests, and warfare against a spiritual enemy who takes advantage of our flesh to lure us into sinful behavior and independence from God. However, Christ’s finished work on the cross redeems us from the power of the enemy and provides victory over these trials, tests, and attacks from the enemy. (Rom 12:12, Eph 4:14-16, Gal 5: 16-26, Phil 2:12-13)​


We believe the goal of the Church is to make disciples of all nations and to present the saints complete in Christ. The church is governed by the office of Elder as mentioned in scripture. It is essential to the life of the Church that scriptural patterns of discipline be practiced and that oversight for Church discipline, individual and corporate, be exercised by the leadership of the Church. (Matthew 16:18, Acts 20:28, Romans 12:4-5, Hebrews 13:17)




Water Baptism, is the outward sign of what God has already done in the individual’s life and is a testimony that the person now belongs to Jesus. It is an identification with Jesus Christ and is affected in the name of the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. It is not necessary for salvation, rather is a commandment to be obeyed. Our position is that we baptize a new believer into the Body of Christ ~ the Church, rather than into the local body for membership, upon profession of faith in Jesus Christ.



Holy Communion, is the commemoration of Jesus’ death (Atonement) and is observed in remembrance of Him until He comes again. It is an outward sign of our participation in Jesus and our reverence for His blood atonement. Cultivate Church observes “open communion”, meaning that local church membership is not required for participation. Anyone who one professes faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior is invited to receive the Holy Communion elements freely.

in the
Holy Spirit

Baptism in the Holy Spirit, subsequent to conversion, or in tandem at the same time as conversion, releases the fulness of the Spirit in the life of the believer and is evidenced by the Gifts of the Spirit. (John 14:16,17). It may be described as “immersion” in the Holy Spirit and implies a continual surrender to the work of the Spirit rather than a one time event. It may or may not be evidenced by outward manifestation, but will be evidenced by an ever-increasing closeness to the Person and character of Jesus Christ.

Gifts of the Spirit

We believe that all the gifts, as listed in Scripture, are active. The Holy Spirit distributes the gifts as He determines (1 Corinthians 12:4-6) and the Baptism in the Holy Spirit can be evidenced by any of the gifts.


We believe Jesus Christ will return to earth personally and visibly according to the promises in Scripture. His return will be for the purpose of establishing His absolute governmental rule and authority on the earth. Christians are exhorted to be watchful and obedient until His return. While there are many viewpoints concerning His second coming, we believe Christians should look for His return with great anticipation while obediently pursuing the mandate of the Great Commission. At His second coming, the righteous who have died and are now with Him will be resurrected and rule with Him.



  • “But of that day and hour no one knows, not even the angels of heaven, but My Father only.” Matthew 24:36

  • “Watch therefore, for you do not know what hour your Lord is coming.” Matthew 24:42

  • “Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor the hour in which the Son of Man is coming.” Matthew 25:13

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Church Sunday AM

Campus Address:

320 Southgate Ct.

Brentwood, TN 37027​

We believe in the power of prayer and would be honored to pray with you and for you. Whatever is on your heart—whether it's a challenge, a celebration, or a need for guidance—please share it with us. Your requests will be handled with care and confidentiality as our 24/7 prayer team lifts them up in prayer.

​Church Mailing Address:​

P.O. Box 1083 

Nolensville, TN. 37135​


(615) 538-8632

Monday - Friday 9am - 5pm

©2024 by Cultivate Church Nashville. Powered and secured by Wix

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