Plan a visit
If you're planning to visit to CULTIVATE CHURCH, we want to make your visit smooth and let you know what to expect from the moment you turn into the parking lot!
If you would like to learn more about CULTIVATE, sign up for a Bible study group, learn where you can serve, or share how we can minister to you, fill out our connect card.
Look for the Cultivate Parking sign & flags
There will be a parking signs with our church flags to guide you where to park.
Once you park, make your way to
the double doors on the left side of
the building. There will be greeters
at the main door to welcome and assist with any needs.
Begins 10:30am (cst)
When you come in, there will be someone to greet you and help you find your way. Grab a cup of coffee in the lobby and a greeter will also be there to help you find a seat.
Bible Study Groups Sunday AM
Birth - 5th Grade
If you are new, please fill out an information form at the Children's check-in is located in the main lobby. This will ensure we know who is in Bible study, any special needs they may require, Parent and emergency contacts.
9am - Pre-K through 5th Grade: Beginning at 8:45am you can check in your child and drop them off with our children's ministry volunteers if you are attending an Adult Bible Study.
10:30am - Birth through 2-years old: Beginning at 10am you can check in your child and drop them off with our children's ministry volunteers.
10:30am - Pre-K through 5th Grade: Beginning at 10am you can check in your child. They will go with you to Worship and will be dismissed to their class at the beginning of the sermon.
6th - 12th Grade
Students meet from 9am - 10am for Bible study in the front lobby of the building. Someone will be there to help your student find the group.
Men & Women 18+
Adults meet from 9am - 10am for Bible Study. As you enter the lobby, someone will be be there to help guide you to the right room.